Parking During Our Affordable Housing Building Construction
We thank you for your patience in advance, as we embark on our exciting project to build Affordable Housing to help support our community. All of the entrances to the church will remain accessible and open on Sundays, during construction. Please review our parking map above, for the many of options we have available to members and guests during construction. We thank all our generous neighbours who have graciously extended their parking for us to use in the evenings and on Sundays.
1) Temporary Church St. Parking - We will have some temporary parking spots added near the Church Street door, we ask you to save these on Sundays for those who cannot walk as far, we plan to have someone manning the Church Street door to let people in, so the walking distance is shorter than the old handicap spots were. These spots can be used by staff during the week.
2) HSP Parking Lot Behind Gym - Currently, we still have some parking available in our parking lot behind the gym, accessed from Church St. This lot is currently gravel, and will be available temporarily until the next stage of construction.
3) 132 Queen St. S. - We have negotiated with the owners of 132 Queen St (across the street at the old Schlicthers place) to use this parking lot after 5:30p on weekdays, and weekends. Please do not park in the spots along the wooden fence, all other spots are available to us.
4) 103 Queen St. S. - We have negotiated with the owners of the red brick house at the corner of Queen and Church, to use their parking lot after 5:30p on weekdays, and on weekends. Please keep one parking spot available at all times, so if you pull into the lot and there is only 1 spot left, please find alternate parking.
5) Parsonage & Narthex - There will remain some limited parking spots around the parsonage and outside the Narthex doors in the pull off area.
6) City Parking Lots - The city parking garage is one block away at 4 Charles St. E, parking is FREE on Sundays, and $4 for 2 hours during the week. The City is also setting up temporary parking at the old Charles Street Bus Terminal.
7) ION Train - For those who would like to try out the ION train, the stop is one block away on Charles Street.